Well my newest naive revelation is that the hole sizes are not the same on my different harps, even though they are all Hohners.<snip>
This is a pretty major issue in my opinion, since I started and have
practiced most on the Silverstar, and am having trouble switching to
the technically superior Blues Harp. Hole size seems to me a
fundamental issue in playing, doing one-hole draws, etc.<more snipping>
Oh, man, I can relate.<snippage>
That said, different hole sizes on different harps is one of those
realities of life. With less than two years of playing under my belt,
I have a mix of two different brands of harp (fewer of the expensive
ones, more of the moderately-priced ones) and they have different hole
sizes. My way of coping with this has been learning to play mostly
with the tongue-block embouchure. I can *feel* the holes with my
tongue, and so I don't have to calibrate my moves up and down the harp
so precisely. But then, I can get deeper and better bends on hole 2
with the pucker embouchure, and can't get blow bends at all reliably
with tongue blocking (though I believe it can be done). So I've worked
almost as hard at *switching* embouchures on the fly as I have at
playing with each embouchure separately.<brutal snipping>